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BGU: A Map For Finishing Your Degree

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School is definitely back in!

Are you still sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out what you want to do with that degree program which you are halfway through?

Is there a certification and/or licensing test that is standing between you and your future career?

Today's class is going to help you  get organized and stay motivated to finish your degree/certification.

Questions to ask yourself:

1. Why are you pursuing this degree/certification?
2. How do you plan to use your degree/certification?
3. Will you need additional education?
4. How do you plan to fund your degree/certification?
5. Are there local, regional, and/or national organizations in your degree field which you can join?
6. Do you have a support system in place? If not, where can you find one?
7. Will you go to school part-time or full-time?
8. How many classes will you realistically be able to take?
9. Do you have a schedule in place?
10. What are the roadblocks to you finishing your degree?

Listen to this episode of the Bougie Girl University podcast.


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