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5 Challenges of Teaching Online Courses

For the past year or so, I have been brainstorming ideas for online courses. Back in 2012, I set up an online course on Udemy entitled: "Overcoming The Loser Spirit". That course was comprised of both blogposts and podcasts in which I had discussed the concept of "The Loser Spirit".

A few students enrolled in the course and I kind of forgot about...until I was sent a notice by Udemy that there curriculum policies were changing. Now, Udemy requires that video be incorporated into the classes on their platform.

At the time, I had no interest in doing video of any kind. For one, I was unsure on whether I could successfully create a course-worthy video lecture. I walked away from the whole teaching on Udemy thing and focused on other projects.

Fast forward to early this year, when I made the decision to launch this blog and  revive "The Loser Spirit" series as an online course.  In addition, this year I started experimenting with filming myself and as result, I launched a channel.

Below are the 5 challenges which I encountered while creating online courses:

1. Fear
I didn't realize it at the time, but I was afraid to take "go big" with my online course. As a result, I stuck to text and audio only during my first foray on Udemy.

2. Technology
I consider myself a tech-savvy person but, for some reason I was reluctant to add video into my teaching arsenal. I guess that I was afraid that students would judge me on my appearance and not the course materials being presented.

3. Not Leveraging  Available Resources
Every day, I listen to podcasts which discuss the latest trends in business technology. I was well aware how to find resources to help me polish my online course offerings. However, for some reason, I was failing to properly use that information for my benefit.

4. Poor Time Management
I am pretty good at getting things done one time. However, when it came to creating the online courses, my time management habits seemed to fail me. I am attributing to items 1-3 listed above.

5. Lack Of Clarity
I had so many ideas for online courses that I failed to come up with a sustainable model for a course. Previously, I brainstormed ideas for online courses without a clear idea on how I wanted to execute them.

Listen to this episode of the Bougie Girl University podcast here.


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