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Showing posts from March, 2016

Bougie Girl University Presents: Life Is What You Make It- 5 Steps That You Can Take Right Now to Change Your Life...(Step Five:Making It Your Own By Applying It To Your Life)

Week 5- Making It Your Own By Applying It To Your Life Here we are in the final lesson. Over the past 4 weeks, you have self-reflected on the current state of your life, completed some assignments, and listened to some lectures. The most important aspect of any self-improvement program is the application of the principles.  Assignment- Making It Your Own By Applying It To Your Life What is your overall action plan for applying the principles of this course? What challenges do you think you will encounter? How do you plan on overcoming those challenges? Main theme of the Week 5 lecture Take what works  for you and leave the rest Sustaining the change when life goes awry Surrounding yourself with folks in the same place and a little ahead of you. (Listen to the Bougie Girl University podcast for the audio version of   Step Five: Making It Your Own By Applying It To Your Life. )

Bougie Girl University Presents: Life Is What You Make It- 5 Steps That You Can Take Right Now to Change Your Life...(Step Four:Making Consistency a Habit)

Week 4 –Making Consistency a Habit It has been said that practice makes permanent. In other words, our daily habits help to shape our lives. For  example, if you desperately want to get into shape but, every day you forego exercise in order to surf the Internet all day and night… What are the chances that you are going to get back in shape?  However, if you carved out 30 minutes in the morning to go on a stroll, you would create a new and healthier habit.  You would also get closer to your goal of getting into shape.    The key to making consistency a habit is to build a solid foundation and to keep things simple whenever possible. Assignment List 3 of your healthiest habits. How are you able to consistently institute them into your daily life? List 3 of your not so healthy habits. What is your plan for changing them?     Main theme of the Week ...